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For those of you who have faithfully endured through the Bible 101 Challenge—well done!  It has not been easy reading through all of the chapters — and we certainly had our full in Isaiah, Jeremiah and Numbers.  But it was worth it, and we all have agreed
our knowledge of Scripture has grown tremendously.  So continue on!  You’re doing great!  And you don’t need to read the rest of this article…

But for those of you who started and stopped, or truthfully NEVER even tried at all, I have a new challenge just for you!

This month, on June 21, we begin reading the Gospel of Matthew.  And then for the rest of the summer, we will read the entire New Testament.

I challenge you to read the entire New Testament this summer with me—all of it–before September 15.

Many of you probably have in the past read the entire New Testament, or at the least have read through the gospels.  But to read the New Testament in its entirety — in one summer, will greatly increase your Biblical knowledge and grow your understanding of Jesus, our Savior.  Our faith is based on these Scriptures, so we all are called to know them well, and to work through them as discerning Christians.  Even the littlest epistle has value today!

So you are challenged — to join me and read the New Testament, and see what God is speaking through his word
for us today.  I imagine many of you read something during the summer — mysteries, history, magazines, whatever!  Dust off your Bible and read it, too.  It’s worth every minute of your time!

And join the conversation — it’s been too quiet for my liking — on the Facebook Page (note:  you have to “like” the Bible 101 Challenge to see the posts) and on the blog!  Talk!  Post!  Ask questions!  It’s all good and part of learning.

Blessings to you this summer as you journey through Scripture.

You are always in my prayers,

Pastor Sarah

Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
June 17-23 Zechariah 1-6 Zechariah 7-10 Zechariah 11-14 Malachi 1-4 Matthew 1-4 Matthew 5-7 Matthew 8-9
June 24-30 Matthew 10-12 Matthew 13-14 Matthew 15-17 Matthew 18-20 Matthew 21-22 Matthew 23-24 Matthew 25-26
July 1-7 Matthew 27-28 Mark 1-3 Mark 4-6 Mark 7-9 Mark 10-13 Mark 14-16 Luke 1
July 8-14 Luke 2-3 Luke 4-5 Luke 6-7 Luke 8-9 Luke 10-11 Luke 12-13 Luke 14-16
July 15-21 Luke 17-18 Luke 19-20 Luke 21-22 Luke 23-24 John 1-3 John 4-5 John 6-7
July 22-28 John 8-9 John 10-11 John 12-13 John 14-15 John 16-17 John 18-19 John 20-21
July 29-Aug. 4 Acts 1-2 Acts 3-4 Acts 5-6 Acts 7-8 Acts 9-12 Acts 13-16 Acts 17-19
Aug. 5-11 Acts 20-23 Acts 24-28 Romans 1-3 Romans 4-7 Romans 8-10 Romans 11-13 Romans 14-16
Aug. 12-18 1 Corinthians 1-4 1 Corinthians 5-9 1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians 1-4 2 Corinthians 5-7 2 Corinthians 8-10
Aug. 19-25 2 Corinthians
Galatians 1-3 Galatians 4-6 Ephesians 1-3 Ephesians 4-6 Philippians 1-4 Colossians 1-4
Aug. 26-Sept. 1 1Thessalonians
1 Thessalonians
2 Thessalonians
1 Timothy 1-6 2 Timothy 1-4 Titus & Philemon Hebrews 1-4
Sept. 2-8 Hebrews 5-7 Hebrews 8-10 Hebrews 11-13 James 1-5 1 Peter 1-5 2 Peter 1-3 1 John 1-5
Sept. 9-15 2 John, 3 John & Jude Revelation 1-3 Revelation 4-7 Revelation 8-12 Revelation 13-16 Revelation 17-19 Revelation